Air Products/Controls

Fabric Duct


While Fabric Duct Is Best Known For Indoor Pools, There Are Many Applications Where You Can Be Successful like Warehouses, Manufacturing, Gymnasiums, Butler Buildings, Ice Rinks, and Recording Studios. Alternate For Spiral Duct With A 50% Cost Reduction

Fabric Duct2020-06-12T01:41:30+00:00

Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units


Have An Application Where You Need An Water Cooled Condensing Unit? While We Can Offer You the Evaporator/AHU, If You Have A Specific Air Handler, Let Us Match It With An Indoor Condensing Unit! Our Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units Have Small Footprints! Our Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units Have Cabinet Configurations for Ceiling Hung or Floor Hung Applicationsunited cool air condensing unit Allow Us To Provide The Evaporator (AHU) Or We Can Match

Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units2020-06-15T18:50:54+00:00

Vehicle Exhaust Systems


CALL 973-536-2220 For vehicle maintenance, the trend of large open areas to carry multiple vehicles as opposed to multiple bay doors is becoming more common. It’s a better experience for the consumer and for [...]

Vehicle Exhaust Systems2020-05-31T23:31:23+00:00

VAV Diffusers


Have a situation where you have a space that is uncomfortable and wish you can simply add some control to the diffuser above? We have the solution!

VAV Diffusers2020-05-31T23:28:27+00:00

Sound Traps & Duct Silencers


Should you have a situation where sound levels are an issue, give us a call... While there are things that can be done through routine practice (duct insulation, added elbows, outlet and unit location), sometimes you will need a little more help.

Sound Traps & Duct Silencers2020-05-29T02:49:30+00:00

High Volume Low Speed Fans (HVLS) Fans


While Most Feel There Is Nothing Significant About HVLS Fans, They Are Not Cheap And They Are Not All The Same! Unlike traditional fans that push air with a quick moving blade, you can see the blade turning on an industrial fan. But don't fool yourself! These fans can push 200,000 cfm or more! Perfect for large open spaces, there is an advantage of using less high volume fans than multiple smaller fans including lower installed and operating costs as well as noise and comfort level

High Volume Low Speed Fans (HVLS) Fans2020-07-09T21:41:44+00:00

Gas Detection Systems


Call 973-536-2220 For Parking Garages, Labs, Boiler Rooms, Mechanical Rooms & More! *** NEW... a white paper on parking garage layouts- where to mount, how many devices, sequences, etc *** As our local codes [...]

Gas Detection Systems2020-07-24T19:59:25+00:00

Fresh Air Options for Ductless and VRF Heat Pump Systems


call 973-536-2220! Just like every HVAC system, the VRF has its place as the choice for HVAC systems. They are quiet, flexible and efficient. And, as everyone knows there are things to consider as [...]

Fresh Air Options for Ductless and VRF Heat Pump Systems2020-05-29T02:57:23+00:00

Fire and Smoke Dampers


CALL 973-536-2220 Engineered Air Solutions is proud to partner with United Enertech for Fire and Smoke Dampers "WE ARE NOT CLERKS! ALLOW US TO PROVIDE YOU A COMPETITIVE SPOT ON UNIT!" 1.5 Hour & [...]

Fire and Smoke Dampers2020-05-31T23:15:51+00:00



CALL 973-536-2220       We offersa full line of high quality products to meet your application. We are committed to addressing your application right. That’s something to consider as its always the small [...]

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