
Fabric Duct


While Fabric Duct Is Best Known For Indoor Pools, There Are Many Applications Where You Can Be Successful like Warehouses, Manufacturing, Gymnasiums, Butler Buildings, Ice Rinks, and Recording Studios. Alternate For Spiral Duct With A 50% Cost Reduction

Fabric Duct2020-06-12T01:41:30+00:00

Water Source Heat Pumps


Water Source Heat Pumps by GeoComfort: One Of The First Companies To Offer MicroChannel Evaporators And Oversized Brazed Plate Heat Condensers To Allow Pre mium Efficiency With The Tightest Footprint in The Industry.

Water Source Heat Pumps2020-06-04T03:18:08+00:00

Water Cooled Indoor VAV Units


WATER COOLED VAV PACKAGE UNITS ARE NOT THE SAME! While similar in concept to a Rooftop Unit as its the central Heating, Cooling, Ventilation and humidification/dehumidification source for a building or zone, the similarities end there. Replacing a RTU many times means simply replace the box on the curb and you are all set. For an indoor unit you must consider the time and effort to pull the old unit out and getting the new unit in. Many times the existing unit was built during the building construction and it will be near impossible to simply “swap boxes”

Water Cooled Indoor VAV Units2020-06-12T17:11:05+00:00

Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units


Have An Application Where You Need An Water Cooled Condensing Unit? While We Can Offer You the Evaporator/AHU, If You Have A Specific Air Handler, Let Us Match It With An Indoor Condensing Unit! Our Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units Have Small Footprints! Our Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units Have Cabinet Configurations for Ceiling Hung or Floor Hung Applicationsunited cool air condensing unit Allow Us To Provide The Evaporator (AHU) Or We Can Match

Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units2020-06-15T18:50:54+00:00

Vehicle Exhaust Systems


CALL 973-536-2220 For vehicle maintenance, the trend of large open areas to carry multiple vehicles as opposed to multiple bay doors is becoming more common. It’s a better experience for the consumer and for [...]

Vehicle Exhaust Systems2020-05-31T23:31:23+00:00

VAV Terminals


Carnes is a privately owned company who prides themselves on people. If its important to you, its important to them (and us!) Please check their website or call us for the product that you need

VAV Terminals2022-01-11T20:01:39+00:00

VAV Diffusers


Have a situation where you have a space that is uncomfortable and wish you can simply add some control to the diffuser above? We have the solution!

VAV Diffusers2020-05-31T23:28:27+00:00

Skill Aire


Indoor Packaged Units, Air Cooled or Water Cooled Constant Volume, VAV, Make Up Air, Choice of Heat! Our Indoor Air Cooled Units Would Be Ideal as the Unit Utilizes a Centrifugal Blower to Draw Condenser Air In and Out. Only a Louver Would Be Required to the Outside. Our Indoor Water Cooled Units Would Be Ideal as a Central Tower, Fluid Cooler or Geothermal Field can Eliminate Multiple Condensing units

Skill Aire2022-03-04T20:50:09+00:00

Ultrasonic Humidifiers


Ultrasonic Humidifiers use small disks to vibrate at exceptional speeds in a pan of water to humidifirst ultrasonic create a fine mist. This mist will use the energy in the air to absorb into the air. This is called an adiabatic process.

Ultrasonic Humidifiers2023-05-17T16:07:42+00:00



As the energy codes get more stringent, the need arises for premium effectiveness energy recovery equipment. Tempeff addresses this issue with 90% effective energy recovery with its unique dual core technology.

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