Humidify & Dehumidify

Humidify & Dehumidify2020-06-19T17:23:21+00:00

Resistive Humidifier

A resistive humidifier is literally a simple atmospheric (non-pressurized) boiler which simply uses a stainless steel barrel to boil the water to create steam. The advantage of this type of humidifier is that you modulate the heat to precisely modulate the output. Additionally, you can trickle in the water so the downtime compared to a canister is greatly reduced in terms of killing the boil and wasting water. Water quality is not as much as a concern when compared to canisters.

Off The Shelf Dehumidifiers

While we are known for built to order Dehumidifiers, it should be known that our factories stock more incremental stocked units for basements, storage and small processes. There are 2 things to look for in dehumidification: The Load and The Dewpoint. The Load, is how much water the unit can pull out of the air and is rated in Pints/hour, Pints/Day, Gallons/Day or LBS/hour. To keep everything level, the following list are all listed in LBS/hr (#/hr) but can be converted to any of the aforementioned descriptions.

Dehumidification Products

Your Local Dehumidification Experts! Call 973-536-2220 For Your Application Engineered Air Solutions Offers A Complete Line of Dehumidification Products To Meet Your Application And Budget. While we specialize in product [...]

Dehumidification Systems

Your Local Dehumidification Experts! Call 973-536-2220 For Your Application Engineered Air Solutions Offers A Complete Line of Dehumidification Products To Meet Your Application And Budget. While we specialize in dehumidification system application, design, [...]

Commercial Humidifiers

Your Local Humidifier Experts! Call 973-536-2220 For Your Application Engineered Air Solutions Offers A Complete Line Of Commercial Humidifiers To Meet Your Application And Budget for New Jersey! Humidifiers come in multiple sizes, with [...]

Canister Humidification

Call 973-536-2220 For Assistance For What Is Best For YOUR Project! The most common commercial humidifier installed today is the Canister type. It uses electricity to arc the impurities in the water to [...]

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