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HVAC for Retro Fitadmin2020-06-05T01:16:31+00:00
Water Source Heat Pumps - Water Source Heat Pumps by GeoComfort: One Of The First Companies To Offer MicroChannel Evaporators And Oversized Brazed Plate Heat Condensers To Allow Pre
mium Efficiency With The Tightest Footprint in The Industry.
While similar in concept to a Rooftop Unit as its the central Heating, Cooling, Ventilation and humidification/dehumidification source for a building or zone, the similarities end there.
Replacing a RTU many times means simply replace the box on the curb and you are all set. For an indoor unit you must consider the time and effort to pull the old unit out and getting the new unit in. Many times the existing unit was built during the building construction and it will be near impossible to simply “swap boxes”
VAV Terminals - Carnes is a privately owned company who prides themselves on people. If its important to you, its important to them (and us!) Please check their website or call us for the product that you need
Indoor Condensing Units - Indoor Condensing Units Utilize Centrifugal Blowers to Draw Air In and Out
Our Indoor Condensing Units Have Cabinet Configurations for Ceiling Hung or Floor Hung Applications
Allow Us To Provide The Evaporator (AHU) Or We Can Match Yours To Our Indoor Condensing Unit
Factory Installed Refrigerant Specialties for Long Line Applications Available
Indoor Condensing Units Can Be Water Cooled Too!
Indoor Condensing Units Are Available In Capacities 1-35 tons +
Multiple Independent Circuits Can Be Matched To Multiple Evaporators with Separate Controls
Indoor Condensing Units With Variable Capacity Compressors Are Available!
Premium Flooded Condensers allow True Low Ambient Cooling (-30F), Air Cooled Indoor Condensing Units
Choice of Water Regulating Valves for Low Condenser Water Temperatures, Water Cooled Indoor Condensing Units
Indoor Condensers also available (compressor-less)
100% Outside Air Units - Over the past few years we have been building our portfolio of products to offer a full offering of high outside air make up air units of up to 100%. Starting as low as 100 cfm and legitimately up to 20,000 cfm (although higher with custom or multiple units) we can do brute force (no return connection) or energy recovery (with options). Incidentally, units can be set up for up to 100% mechanical heating and cooling (ie recirculating and increase outside air up to complete make up air).
Coils - We Offer The Ability To Provide You Made To Order Coils To Exceed Your Expectations In Meeting Your Application At The Right Price, Delivered On Your Schedule:
DX- Including Evaporator And Condenser Replacement; Choice Of Refrigerants
Chilled Water- Coil Only, Cased, and With Drain Pan
Allow Us to Customize the Casing Material (Galvanized, Stainless, Corrossion Coated)
Hot Water
Steam- Low Pressure And Tube-In-Tube, Non-Freeze Type
Evaporative Condenser Coil; Finless (recent job!)
VAV Boxes - There are many reasons why zoning is required for any space. A two story home having two split systems is the simplest example: During the day, you put the upstairs in occupied setback (ie, [...]
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