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We have worked in the industry for over a decade decade serving mechanical contractors, the engineering community, and end users.  We pride ourselves on meeting the project requirements at the right price and on time,supplying applications for tight fits, low energy, LEED projects, sound challenges, and tight budgets, and our network of consultants and contractors make projects successful.

Heating and Cooling

From The Simple (Fin Tube Or Infrared Heaters) To Complex (Chillers and DOAS Units) and Everything In Between, We Have Full Hands On Experience In Applications, Engineering, Pricing Right and Post Sales Support. Learn About ALL that we Sell!

Humidity and Dehumidify

Adding Or Removing Humidity Is The Science Of Psychometrics. While a Little Complex, We Know How To Calculate And Which Piece Of Equipment Is Best!

Air Products and Controls

Allow Us To Help You With The Sundries Of The Trade. Many Of the Items Can Be Drop Shipped Right From Our Factory. Many Of These Products Can Be Sourced From Multiple Vendors Allowing Us To Optimize Your Result!


Mechanical Engineers are responsible for the complete HVAC system. From Chillers to Air Handlers, Pumps to VAV Boxes, vestibule heaters to outlets, you are responsible. Your clients expect complete knowledge of every product you specify, and there is a lot to learn. Allow Engineered Air Solutions to be your resource for Selections, Cuts, Efficiency options, sound data and more to allow you to work as streamlined as possible. Time is your most valuable resource, and we are here to help. We are very hands on and can advise you on installation requirements and budgets. We specialize in new construction, retrofits, renovations, and replacements. We also offer training on HVAC fundamentals and equipment for PDH Credits

As a building owner, one must be versed in many fields, HVAC notwithstanding. Tenants need to be comfortable to keep occupancies up and rents favorable. When it comes to HVAC there are angles to be concerned with: first cost, indoor air quality and safety, operating costs, noise, carbon footprint etc. The priorities change based on if the building owner is paying or the tenant. The game plan changes if the building upgrades are going to be all at once or in stages. 

Building owners have resources of course. They rely on their maintenance staff, consulting engineers and mechanical contractors. They are all very knowledgeable and bring something to the table. However, each party looks at things from a different perspective. While Engineered Air Solutions concentrates on selling the equipment only, building owners should feel free to use us as a resource! We can help you evaluate preliminary details of your team and demystify any conflicting details as an unbiased resource as we service Mechanical Engineers, Contractors and Service and Maintenance personnel. We can get you on the right path of which piece of equipment matches your needs within the proper timeframe and budget. We can even arrange visits to our factories where you can see what you are getting and get answers you would not usually get. While your team is looking out for your best welfare, at the end of the day, it is the building owner who owns the equipment for decades.

Allow Engineered Air Solutions to Help you:

  • Choose the right piece of equipment based on size, indoor air quality and safety, efficiency, first cost, running cost, noise and carbon footprint
  • Work with your Consulting Engineer to coordinate the design
  • Assist your contractor in making the install a successful one
  • Provide you names of Engineers, Contractors, Service Tech’s should you not have one or need assistance in doing a turnkey project

As a mechanical contractor, you are responsible to be competitive, smart and resourceful. Engineered Air solutions strive to be your go to for amazing service, fair pricing, and engineering minds to help you work smarter. We value relationships and will do what we can for you whether it’s plan and spec, design build, value engineering, replacement or an upgrade.

Call us today!



VAV Boxes

VAV Boxes are an HVAC Item that is relatively [...]

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Desiccant Dehumidifiers have the ability to dry air down to any level at any cfm. Units can be independent of the HVAC system or a complete package for all the HVAC needs of the space.

Mechanical Dehumidifiers

Mechanical Dehumidification is the most common way of maintaining the proper Relative Humidity (%RH) in a space. From simple basement dehumidifiers to indoor pool dehumidifiers, the cooling coil removes the moisture and process heat brings the temperature back, to allow separate control of temperature and humidity. Explore this option from small to big, indoor and outdoor...

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