White Papers

Formulas and Rules of Thumb


smbh= 1.08 x cfm x delta T ACH (air changes/hr) = cfm x 60 / volume of space converting KW to BTU: 1 KW= 3415 btu= 3.415MBH converting KW/ton to EER: multiply by 12 [...]

Formulas and Rules of Thumb2019-12-10T03:28:15+00:00

Fire and Smoke FAQ


Fire and Smoke Damper FAQ Fire, Smoke and Combination Fire/Smoke dampers (also known as UL dampers) are code enforced items that are required to minimize the hazards of a fire through the HVAC system. [...]

Fire and Smoke FAQ2017-10-06T14:24:43+00:00

Chilled Beam, Underfloor, and Lower Dew Point Applications


Engineered Air Solutions offers a complete line of dehumidification products to meet your application and budget. Unbiased white paper on the different types of dehumidification Chilled beams use warmer chilled water and induction to [...]

Chilled Beam, Underfloor, and Lower Dew Point Applications2019-12-10T03:28:16+00:00

Basic Pool Design and Layout


While the purpose of this article is to give a good overview, it should not be the sole reference for a complete pool design. If you have noticed excessive corrosion, mold/mildew or strong indoor [...]

Basic Pool Design and Layout2020-06-19T20:42:59+00:00

Acoustical Terms and Definitions


Courtesy of Pottorff: Absorption Coefficient (1) Ideally, the randomly incident sound power which is absorbed (or otherwise, not reflected) by a material. (2) A measure of the sound absorptive property of a material as approximated [...]

Acoustical Terms and Definitions2019-12-10T03:28:16+00:00

Hot Gas Reheat Retrofit?


Over the years all of us in the industry have had the issue where a space has a humidity problem and as an engineer, mechanical contractor, building owner or equipment vendor has been asked [...]

Hot Gas Reheat Retrofit?2020-06-19T20:29:41+00:00

P trap design


Do you know the proper way to size a P trap on an HVAC unit? The pull of the water to the drain has to exceed the sucking of the supply fan (“negative pressure”).Rule [...]

P trap design2020-06-19T20:55:43+00:00

Desiccant Dehumidification


Commercial Desiccant Units- When is it best? Unlike Industrial Desiccant Dehumidifiers which are very expensive and in some cases inflexbile, a Commercial Grade Desiccant unit delivers the best performance for many applications without overdoing [...]

Desiccant Dehumidification2020-06-19T20:23:12+00:00
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