ACH (air changes/hr) = cfm x 60 / volume of space
converting KW to BTU: 1 KW= 3415 btu= 3.415MBH
converting KW/ton to EER: multiply by 12 (so 1kw/ton is a 12 EER)
convert EER to KW/Ton: divide by 12 (so 12 EER= 1kw/ton)
400 cfm= 1 ton (typically 75/50%RH to ~55/55)
200 cfm/ 1 ton for 100% OA (95/50% rh to ~55/55
RULES OF THUMB (just a reference, by no means the Bible of design!)
apartment= 450 sq/ton
auditoriums= 250 sq/ton
banks/retail stores/museums= 250-300 sqft/ton
office building (less than 10 stories)= 350-400 sqft/ton (greater than 10 stories 450sqft/ton)
free standing home=500-700 sqft /ton
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