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The most common commercial humidifier installed today is the Canister type. It uses electricity to arc the impurities in the water to create atmospheric (non-pressurized) steam. The main part of the humidifier is the canister which houses the probes. Water level and purity is maintained by draining and filling the cancanister schematicister. Typically, the fresh potable water will come up and exchange with the spent water in the canister which will cool the leaving water and pre-temper the incoming water.

By reading the above, it should be understood the downfalls of the Canister… because the steam is at atmospheric pressure, careful consideration must be met to make sure the generator and grid positions and interconnecting piping are pitched correctly otherwise the steam will not come out. Water quality is important too, because if the water is “too clean”, too hard, or too soft, it can create poor results or the canister life will be shortened. Finally, because the canister will drain and makeup water, if precision is required, canisters may not your best choice as the canisters will not boil every time it fills and it does consume a lot of water. Resistive type humidifiers mcanister openay be the better option

Don’t be discouraged! For most applications, canisters are most popular as they have the lowest first cost and every time you replaced the plastic canister, you effectively have a new humidifier. They also typically have a smaller footprint.

We offer Canisters by Hygromatik, Carnes and Herrmidifer. We offer the flexibility of producing up to 200#/hr with single or double canisters models. Canisters can be matched to a single tube dispersion or low absorption manifolds. DDC controls are

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