Humidify & DehumidfyWP

Good, Better, Best of Dehumidification


The Good, Better, Best of Dehumidification It is understood that at any point air will have a specific quality in terms of temperature and humidity. If you look at a psychometric chart, the dry [...]

Good, Better, Best of Dehumidification2020-06-19T20:24:09+00:00

Psychometrics for the Common Man


Ever wonder why water beads on the side of a cold drink in the summer but not the winter? Ever wonder why its so dry in the winter, even though there is snow on [...]

Psychometrics for the Common Man2020-06-19T20:34:30+00:00

Humidification 101


Engineered Air Solutions takes pride in our knowledge and product offering for humidity control. While we have dehumidifiers, this article is about adding humidity. Here are the basics: Canister type:  Probes in a plastic [...]

Humidification 1012023-04-24T18:13:45+00:00

Hot Gas Reheat Retrofit?


Over the years all of us in the industry have had the issue where a space has a humidity problem and as an engineer, mechanical contractor, building owner or equipment vendor has been asked [...]

Hot Gas Reheat Retrofit?2020-06-19T20:29:41+00:00

Desiccant Dehumidification


Commercial Desiccant Units- When is it best? Unlike Industrial Desiccant Dehumidifiers which are very expensive and in some cases inflexbile, a Commercial Grade Desiccant unit delivers the best performance for many applications without overdoing [...]

Desiccant Dehumidification2020-06-19T20:23:12+00:00
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