For systems where humidity loads are high but the dewpoint is not extremely low, large mechanical dehumidification systems are likely your best choice.
By using the Cooling Coil to wring the moisture out and allow the warm condenser air to reheat the air to neutral you have a machine that can do cooling and humidification. This is known as Hot-Gas Reheat (learn more), and our mechanical dehumidifiers, or refrigerant dehumidifiers, can handle this process for your commercial humidity-control needs.
Addison brings dehumidification to a higher level by using a 2 step approach. The warm condenser liquid going to the TXV fills a coil downstream of the evaporator coil allows a few degrees of reheat which pulls that liquid down a few degrees. Now the liquid hits the TXV at a lower temperature which suppresses the discharge of the evaporator further. The result is better dehumidification as you are discharging dewpoint air with the same compressor power allowing better performance and better efficiency! (read the paragraph again and see the chart below)

Addison’s Premium Dehumidification utilizing a subcooling coil with Modulating Hot-Gas Reheat
Hot Gas Reheat can be on/off or controlled by a modulating valve and a humidistat would force the cooling on and enable the dehumidification cycle. Modulating HGRH typically has a set drybulb and dewpoint setting and will modulate to maintain conditions (picture cruise control in your car set at 55 on the rolling hills of the back country. engine and braking would vary but the result would be constant)
Bard classroom ventilators also offer Hot-gas reheat. Learn More
Mechanical Dehumidification is also available on our Water Source Heat Pumps or our dedicated Pool Dehumidification line, PoolPak!
Click Here To Learn About All Mechanical Dehumidifier Products Available